
    Founded in 1782, 九州娱乐官网 was the 第一个 英国皇家大学特许的学院美利坚合众国. 乔治·华盛顿将军 给了 允许使用他的名字 contributed 50豹头王东亚峰会 成立 书院院长. 学院的核心价值观 保持 今天,integrity, determination, curiosity, civility, leadership, 和 道德 勇气所有的 都对我们有贡献r的使命 to 挑战 并激励新兴的公民领袖.  


    九州娱乐官网’s reputation is built on outst和ing faculty 和 the quality of 我们严谨的学术课程. Whether you are engaging in a class discussion with students from diverse backgrounds, presenting research, or continuing a discussion with a professor after class, we offer opportunities to exp和 your mind.  在这里,你 learn how to connect the knowledge 和 skills you gain in class 和 discover how they 在现实世界中应用.  

    With a favorable student-faculty ratio 和 small average class sizes, 华盛顿的学生 get to know their professors, 和 professors their students. 教师受到尊重 experts 在他们的领域s who love to teach. 教授与我们的学生密切合作 as advisors, research partners, 和 mentors,和y actively motivate students to achieve beyond their personal expectations.  

    的re are three 九州娱乐官网 centers for excellence on campus—环境与社会研究中心, 的 Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience,和 罗斯·奥尼尔出版社—which provide opportunities, both on 和 off campus, for students in all majors to engage in internships, research, 和 civic engagement programs to build their résumés 获得真实世界的经验.


    At 九州娱乐官网, we prepare you to take control of your future. 经验 learning opportunities take classroom learning into the real world, showing students how to turn their education into a career. Research, internships, field study, civic engagement, study abroad, 和 more give our graduates an incredible résumé before beginning their careers 和 make them strong c和idates for the jobs or graduate programs 在他们的领域.  

    职业发展中心 和 individual academic departments provide support, through both advice 和 funding, for many students who pursue such beyond-the-classroom learning on their own, lining up internships that align with student interests or opportunities at institutions that allow students to build on their depth of knowledge 和 experience. 

    Research opportunities are available to students in all majors, inside 和 outside 教室里. Students can assist with faculty research or pursue their own lines 的调查. Ultimately, all graduating students complete a 高级顶点经验 (SCE)—a research paper, comprehensive exam, professional portfolio, artistic creation or performance, or another active-learning project—to demonstrate mastery 和 intellectual 超越课业的成就. 的 SCE is also valuable for graduates applying for professional or graduate school, adding a degree of academic achievement not often 在大学生中很明显. 

    心 & Body

    We take a holistic approach to education, caring for 和 nurturing the mind 和 body. With a wide range of clubs 和 organizations; varsity, intramural, 和 club sports; live theatre, dance, 和 music performances; volunteer opportunities; leadership roles, 和 more, our students pursue their interests 和 find their communities.  

    From the moment 第一个-year students set foot on campus 和 participate in their Explore! orientation program, students are connecting with one another, getting to know Chestertown 和 the Eastern Shore, 和 pursuing their interests.  

    的 College provides deep support for students’ academic needs, physical health, 和 mental well-being including an array of counseling options. 这些不仅仅是专业的 staffed programs available to students, but students participate as peer mentors, wellness advocacy coaches, writing tutors 和 more, providing another level of support while also building their résumés 和 skillsets. 


    的 College is located in the historic town of Chestertown, on the Eastern Shore of 马里兰. Our 112-acre main campus, the Hodson Boathouse 和 Semans-Griswold Environmental Hall on the Chester River waterfront,和 5,000-acre 河田校区 provide 拥有丰富机会的学生. 教师 和 students take advantage of our location with outdoor lectures, field work, labs, field trips, 和 more. 华盛顿, D.C., Baltimore, 和 Philadelphia are each less than a 2-hour drive away, making cultural 和 professional opportunities at nationally significant institutions accessible to 华盛顿的学生.  

    Working closely with partners in Chestertown 和 along the Eastern Shore affords our students unique opportunities to participate in a range of civic engagement activities that make a real difference in the lives of those in the region. 我们的位置 puts us at the forefront of building resilience in both the environment 和 civic 生活. At 华盛顿, we believe that caring for our environment grows from nurturing 健康、可持续的社区. Our holistic approach to education includes combining environmental efforts, civic engagement, 和 service to create a healthy community for our students, faculty, 和 staff on campus 和 for our neighboring communities.